Jakub Rozalski

Jakub Rozalski — концептуальный польский художник и иллюстратор, в настоящее время живет и работает в Кракове. Профессионально работает в качестве концепт-художника и иллюстратора с 2002 года. Первые шаги в качестве художника сделал на холсте и бумаге, и рисовал так долгое время, прежде чем обнаружил компьютерную графику. В своих работах  старается сочетать классический стиль и мотивы живописи с современным дизайном и интересными концепциями. Для него всегда самое главное в работе — это создать уникальную атмосферу и рассказать какую-то историю, показать повседневные ситуации в необычной среде. Самое большое вдохновения — классические картины конца XIX- начала ХХ века, история, быт, кино, игры и книги.
Illustration commemorating attack of the Nazi Germany on Poland, September 1, 1939 and beginning of the WWII.1920 - long day. 
Long day - new illustration from upcoming Scythe game, based on my 1920+ universe & paintings, cheers!1920 - machine over muscle. 
Another 'objective cards' illustration from Scythe game and my 1920+ series, cheers!1920 - about life and stuff. Concept art from my 1920+ universe and Scythe game,
bear Wojtek talking with cow about life... only in 'Scythe' game, cheers! :]Warsaw 44. illustration ( which I did some time ago but just now I can share it ) commemorating the 71 anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising (01.08.1944 )Strong temptation. 'Strong temptation' - new painting from my 1920+ series and Scythe game, another illustrations from the 'encounter cards' this time with Olga & Changa as the main characters of the story, hope you like it, cheers!1920 - lost in the fog. New painting from my 1920+ series and Scythe, hope you like it guys, cheers!Bjorn & Bodil. I would like to introduce you a giant musk-ox, special animal from 'Nordic Kingdom’ fractionNacht & Tag. ‘Günter von Duisburg with his dire wolves Nacht & Tag’ concept art of the main character for ‘Scythe’ game, hope you like it :]1920 - Dad's at work. New painting from my 1920+ universe & Scythe game, introducing the mood & atmosphere of the Nordic Kingdom fraction :)1920 - Kosciuszko Squadron.  First in a series of illustrations that are my tribute to the American volunteers and Polish pilots from 7th Air Escadrille - Kościuszko Squadron, who fought and died for Polish independence during the Polish - Bolshevik war (1919 - 1921), great respect!1920 - on the road.brothers in arms - meeting with a warlord. 
my new painting for the story about two brothers in arms, by viking and samurai in some dark medieval fantasy world... with some giant badass hope you like it :)1920 - helping hand. My new painting from 1920+ project, do not worry, I'm not going put 'Wojtek' to the plow permanently, he just helping in the meantime :)1920 - black wings. Who else can stop the German Empire, if not Winged Hussars with... bazookas! Polish elite cavalry, prepared to fight any foe :)1920 - no worries, I got this. New illustration from my 1920+ series and Scythe game, this time with Anna & Wojtek as a main characters, cheers!Sambor & Owsianik. My new book cover illustration for fantasy/steampunk novel of Pefer Vorobieff - “Кейтов перевал”,1920 - road blockade. My new illustration from the 1920+ series, I hope I don't have to introduce bear 'Wojtka1920 - last cigarette. 1920+ concet arts, soviet support units, heavy flamethrower
(2,5h of free improvisation :P)1920 - survivors. New painting/sketch for my 1920+ project, this time in my favorite winter atmosphere :)1920 - hammer and sickle. New painting from my 1920 project, I hope you like it,
regards & watch out for the giant robots :)

Источник: https://www.artstation.com/artist/jakubrozalski (1268 переходов)

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