I Photograph Black Shelter Cats Because They’re The Last To Get Adopted And Are Often Euthanized
I photograph black cats at the West Los Angeles animal shelter. Black cats have the lowest adoption rates and the highest euthanasia rates. With this photo series, I tried to showcase their personalities to counter the belief that black cats are bad luck.
Black cats are awesome and the Los Angeles shelters have plenty available for adoption this Halloween season.
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I volunteer to photograph pets needing homes and also children who are looking to be adopted. It's a great job and I found my dog while doing it.
Many shelters refuse to adopt out black cats at this time of the year due to fear that they could be used for ritual sacrifice by Satanic or Wiccan or Pagan groups. I frankly think this is a lot of hooey but I have lived in communities where adoptions of black cats are suspended over Hallowe'en/Samhain. These are cute cats in West L.A. -- maybe wait until All Saints' Day?
Actually the bigger problem is people who adopt as a "prop" for Halloween and then returning it back to the shelter or worse (death or ditch)... Yes there is a problem, though it isn't actual groups who are the ones who harm the kitties, but people who believe the hooey and think it makes them cool or something... It's a reason to keep an eye on your black darlings.
Load More Replies...Well said, Elizabeth. Obviously I failed to make that clear myself.
It's also why shelters, pet stores and feed stores don't adopt out bunnies or chicks around Easter. Once it's no longer cute, out the poor critter goes.
A pagan or Wiccan would NEVER hurt an animal, any animal. We love all of nature and respect the energy and interconnectedness of all life. I can't speak for what Satanists do to animals because they are part of the Christian pantheon, but I am sick and tired of ignorant people saying pagans hurt animals. We do not.
RIGHT ON! so sick of these ignorant people who think wiccans/pagans have ANY association with groups who may perform animal sacrifices. All religion/faith aside- anyone who adopts any kind of animal, purely for the purpose of killing it, is guilty of animal abuse and murder. plain and simple.
Jacqueline, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
definitely not true Wiccans. we cherish ALL living creatures. i have a black cat that was abused, had to have her tail amputated, then spent over four years in a no kill shelter. she is my family's baby. we couldn't possibly love her more...and yes, i'm Wiccan.
Proud black cat owner also, AND wiccan. As well as a dog, rabbits, rats, chooks...none of which are used for any other purpose than enriching my life :-) lol
Jacqueline, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
Excuse me, Amy Jo, I was copying my reply and forgot to change the name! Maggie
I am a non-theistic Satanist, and I know many in the Pagan/Wiccan communities. NONE of these groups conduct ritual sacrifice. In fact, most modern Satanists are atheists are have no belief in supernatural entities. A core belief in Wicca is that what energy you send out - good or evil -- comes back to your threefold. There is no "black magic" in Wicca. The people most likely to kill black cats on Halloween are, IMHO, people raised in a poisoned "christian" environment.
Laiane, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
true! when I adopted my cat I had originally had my eye on a black on the woman said no then my dad was like why so I explained to him then the manager came out and said yes but I already found my grey tabby !
Thank you for corroborating my comment, Miaa. Hope you and your gray tabby have a lovely holiday!
Wiccan, witches or pagans do not do this. Black cats are revered by them.
Barbara, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
I have 3 black cats currently, and have had at least 36 over the past 44 years, simply because I LOVE black casts, to me they are one of the most beautiful colors out there. I have also had a few other colors like calico, tabby, and siamese, but black is by far my favorite. It started when I was a little girl and my mom made a deal with the local animal shelter to foster their three black cats through October, for the safety reasons. Soon after, every black cat that came into the shelter automatically went to my mother...and so it began... now it seems I have taken over the tradition and once again I now am the proud kitty mom of three at the moment, and I am sure there will be many many more to come. LOVE the black kitties and wish them only the love and happiness they so richly deserve. I feel honored to be a big part of the community and to be mommy to so many "unwanted" kitties. I dont think I would have it any other way! From Ember, Hades and Luna, Happy Halloween Everyone!
Greetings from our four to your three. Only Inky is black (obviously) but Rufus is a beautifully marbled red tabby with the sweetest face, Felix is ginger and white, and the patriarch, Oliver, is a lovely orange tabby. In my 67 years I have had over 25 cats, mostly Tuxedos. But we've had all makes and models, mostly "Alley Cats", but a sprinkling of purebreds. Our cats are our family, and we have never been without at least one, and at one time, seven. Have a lovely holiday!
Golden rule for wiccans and pagans is: Harm NONE do as ye will. Satanics I think they would, I don't know for sure but Wicca and pagan I know for sure. If a person claiming to be either does sacrifice, by rules is no longer considered a Wiccan or pagan.
Kay wiccans and pagans don't sacrifice any animals for rituals if a person does that they are no longer considered Wiccan or pagan. Golden rule is harm NONE do as he will.
Wiccans have reverence for all life, so those who think that of us are sadly misinformed (or just bigots). I'm a Wiccan priestess, and my 15 year old furry black Drifter (who drifted into my life after being dumped in the desert 13 years ago) will tell you that rumor is c**p. But he and our 3 other kitties live indoors only so they will stay safe.
Wiccan/pagans don't sacrifice animals. They don't want that animals being a prop or idiotic people killing them for fun. People as a whole are jerks. Especially those that assume they have knowledge on subjects that they don't.
As someone who is a pagan and rehabilitates animals and has had black cats I adored as my own children, I have to say , you are totally full of s**t. Black cats are considered mystical and special to any witch.
Most wiccans or pagan groups would probably worship them as Gods. Your story is full of s**t!
Sorry to disappoint but i'm wiccan, have been all my life, and never have i EVER seen anyone adopt black cats or animal other animal as such for 'sacrifice'?! I speak on behalf of all wiccans and pagans, please do your research before you falsely accusing. Blessed be )0(
Excuse me; WICCAN AND PAGANS DO NOT SACRIFICE BLACK CATS, OR ANYTHING FOR THAT MATTER!!! That b******t is pure folk lore and exactly what's expected from people who don't understand and REFUSE TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES. oh, and I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I'm talking about because I am a High Priestess. In fact, most Wiccan and Pagan's familiar ARE BLACK CATS!!! Please stop spreading these speculations and rumors because they are all blatant lies.
Most Pagan and all Wiccan groups do not do animal sacrifices, you drooling ignoramus.
Since when did peaceful Wiccan groups start doing animal sacrifices, you ignoramus??
i love black cats, i had two, one passed away when i was little, and I rescued the other four years ago and now he's my feline baby
I volunteer to photograph pets needing homes and also children who are looking to be adopted. It's a great job and I found my dog while doing it.
Many shelters refuse to adopt out black cats at this time of the year due to fear that they could be used for ritual sacrifice by Satanic or Wiccan or Pagan groups. I frankly think this is a lot of hooey but I have lived in communities where adoptions of black cats are suspended over Hallowe'en/Samhain. These are cute cats in West L.A. -- maybe wait until All Saints' Day?
Actually the bigger problem is people who adopt as a "prop" for Halloween and then returning it back to the shelter or worse (death or ditch)... Yes there is a problem, though it isn't actual groups who are the ones who harm the kitties, but people who believe the hooey and think it makes them cool or something... It's a reason to keep an eye on your black darlings.
Load More Replies...Well said, Elizabeth. Obviously I failed to make that clear myself.
It's also why shelters, pet stores and feed stores don't adopt out bunnies or chicks around Easter. Once it's no longer cute, out the poor critter goes.
A pagan or Wiccan would NEVER hurt an animal, any animal. We love all of nature and respect the energy and interconnectedness of all life. I can't speak for what Satanists do to animals because they are part of the Christian pantheon, but I am sick and tired of ignorant people saying pagans hurt animals. We do not.
RIGHT ON! so sick of these ignorant people who think wiccans/pagans have ANY association with groups who may perform animal sacrifices. All religion/faith aside- anyone who adopts any kind of animal, purely for the purpose of killing it, is guilty of animal abuse and murder. plain and simple.
Jacqueline, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
definitely not true Wiccans. we cherish ALL living creatures. i have a black cat that was abused, had to have her tail amputated, then spent over four years in a no kill shelter. she is my family's baby. we couldn't possibly love her more...and yes, i'm Wiccan.
Proud black cat owner also, AND wiccan. As well as a dog, rabbits, rats, chooks...none of which are used for any other purpose than enriching my life :-) lol
Jacqueline, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
Excuse me, Amy Jo, I was copying my reply and forgot to change the name! Maggie
I am a non-theistic Satanist, and I know many in the Pagan/Wiccan communities. NONE of these groups conduct ritual sacrifice. In fact, most modern Satanists are atheists are have no belief in supernatural entities. A core belief in Wicca is that what energy you send out - good or evil -- comes back to your threefold. There is no "black magic" in Wicca. The people most likely to kill black cats on Halloween are, IMHO, people raised in a poisoned "christian" environment.
Laiane, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
true! when I adopted my cat I had originally had my eye on a black on the woman said no then my dad was like why so I explained to him then the manager came out and said yes but I already found my grey tabby !
Thank you for corroborating my comment, Miaa. Hope you and your gray tabby have a lovely holiday!
Wiccan, witches or pagans do not do this. Black cats are revered by them.
Barbara, if you read what I said, I think it's a lot of hooey. That means b******t, if you're not familiar with the word. The fact that we KNOW that genuine (as opposed to wannabe) Pagan, Wiccan and Satanist groups do NOT do this, there ARE wackos out there who misunderstand and DO torture black cats at Samhain/Hallowe'en. The fear is at the adoption level -- not in my mind. But as incidents HAVE occurred, at least in Atlanta in the past 30 years, gives the shelters reason for concern.
I have 3 black cats currently, and have had at least 36 over the past 44 years, simply because I LOVE black casts, to me they are one of the most beautiful colors out there. I have also had a few other colors like calico, tabby, and siamese, but black is by far my favorite. It started when I was a little girl and my mom made a deal with the local animal shelter to foster their three black cats through October, for the safety reasons. Soon after, every black cat that came into the shelter automatically went to my mother...and so it began... now it seems I have taken over the tradition and once again I now am the proud kitty mom of three at the moment, and I am sure there will be many many more to come. LOVE the black kitties and wish them only the love and happiness they so richly deserve. I feel honored to be a big part of the community and to be mommy to so many "unwanted" kitties. I dont think I would have it any other way! From Ember, Hades and Luna, Happy Halloween Everyone!
Greetings from our four to your three. Only Inky is black (obviously) but Rufus is a beautifully marbled red tabby with the sweetest face, Felix is ginger and white, and the patriarch, Oliver, is a lovely orange tabby. In my 67 years I have had over 25 cats, mostly Tuxedos. But we've had all makes and models, mostly "Alley Cats", but a sprinkling of purebreds. Our cats are our family, and we have never been without at least one, and at one time, seven. Have a lovely holiday!
Golden rule for wiccans and pagans is: Harm NONE do as ye will. Satanics I think they would, I don't know for sure but Wicca and pagan I know for sure. If a person claiming to be either does sacrifice, by rules is no longer considered a Wiccan or pagan.
Kay wiccans and pagans don't sacrifice any animals for rituals if a person does that they are no longer considered Wiccan or pagan. Golden rule is harm NONE do as he will.
Wiccans have reverence for all life, so those who think that of us are sadly misinformed (or just bigots). I'm a Wiccan priestess, and my 15 year old furry black Drifter (who drifted into my life after being dumped in the desert 13 years ago) will tell you that rumor is c**p. But he and our 3 other kitties live indoors only so they will stay safe.
Wiccan/pagans don't sacrifice animals. They don't want that animals being a prop or idiotic people killing them for fun. People as a whole are jerks. Especially those that assume they have knowledge on subjects that they don't.
As someone who is a pagan and rehabilitates animals and has had black cats I adored as my own children, I have to say , you are totally full of s**t. Black cats are considered mystical and special to any witch.
Most wiccans or pagan groups would probably worship them as Gods. Your story is full of s**t!
Sorry to disappoint but i'm wiccan, have been all my life, and never have i EVER seen anyone adopt black cats or animal other animal as such for 'sacrifice'?! I speak on behalf of all wiccans and pagans, please do your research before you falsely accusing. Blessed be )0(
Excuse me; WICCAN AND PAGANS DO NOT SACRIFICE BLACK CATS, OR ANYTHING FOR THAT MATTER!!! That b******t is pure folk lore and exactly what's expected from people who don't understand and REFUSE TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES. oh, and I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I'm talking about because I am a High Priestess. In fact, most Wiccan and Pagan's familiar ARE BLACK CATS!!! Please stop spreading these speculations and rumors because they are all blatant lies.
Most Pagan and all Wiccan groups do not do animal sacrifices, you drooling ignoramus.
Since when did peaceful Wiccan groups start doing animal sacrifices, you ignoramus??
i love black cats, i had two, one passed away when i was little, and I rescued the other four years ago and now he's my feline baby